Dr. Biju George
Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
I am a Clinician scientist involved in the management of patients with haematological disorders for the past 17 years. I completed my sub-specialty training (DM) in Clinical Haematology in 2002 at CMC Vellore under the guidance of Dr.MammenChandy. My thesis for my DM in Clinical Haematology was studying the Profile of Infections in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation. After completion of my training, I have been involved in setting up protocols for the diagnosis and management of various infections following chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. My keen interest has been in the management of various bone marrow failure disorders (both congenital and acquired). This has helped in developing a new conditioning protocol for patients with aplastic anaemia (Fludarabine + Cyclophosphamide) which has now become the standard around the country. I have subsequently studied the use of post transplant Cyclophosphamide (PTCy) to prevent graft versus host disease in patients with aplastic anaemia and the good results shown in phase II studies has helped in developing a multicentre randomized controlled trial in India which will start in the next few months. We have also developed specialized protocols for transplantation in congenital bone marrow failure disorders such as Fanconi anaemia. Recently, we initiated a DBT funded study to look at the biology of aplastic anaemia in India especially studying telomere biology. I had the opportunity to spend 3 years (2007 – 2010) in the Haematology department at Westmead Adults Hospital in Sydney Australia under the guidance of Dr. Mark Hertzberg and Dr. David Gottlieb where I received valuable experience in alternate donor transplants (matched unrelated donor and haplo-identical transplants). This experience has helped me in initiating the Haplo-identical transplant programme using post transplant Cyclophosphamide (PTCy) at CMC Vellore in 2010 and we have completed more than 200 haplo-identical transplants. Moving forward, I would like to focus on developing cellular therapy for the management of infections and treatment of refractory malignancies.
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