Abstract Submission Guidelines – IBMFS

Last date for abstract submission: 30/03/2025

Pre-registration is mandatory for the conference. Presenting authors must register for the conference on or before 30/03/2025; else the abstract will not be included in the conference proceedings.

The abstracts should be uploaded online, and will not be accepted on emails or through any other mode.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts

You are invited to submit informative abstracts of up to 400 words which would not include the title of the abstract, author affiliations but will include the headings (like Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusions). Abstracts must be submitted according to guidelines given below.

The abstracts submitted must be in the area of Bone Marrow Failure and Molecular Pathology.

Abstract Title

Please write the title in ‘sentence case’. Kindly note, the text will be used as-is wherever your abstract title is being used, printed, or mentioned.
Example: The results of the research case study and its participants.

Authors and Affiliations

  • Corresponding/ Submitting Author: The person submitting the abstract (who’s email ID is used to create the profile) will be the single person to whom all correspondence/ communication will be sent.
  • Presenting Author: Details should be entered in the provided fields (even if the corresponding author is the presenting author of the abstract).
  • Co-authors: The system will give an option to fill details of up to 10 co-authors. In case you have more, please write to the conference secretariat for assistance.
  • Affiliations: To be mentioned for each author, wherever mentioned on the online portal.

Abstract Text

Abstracts that merely state the results that will be presented will be subject to rejection. All abstracts are subject to review by the Scientific Committee and acceptance into the program is not guaranteed. The Committee suggests that the abstract follow the format outlined below (a must).

  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Conflict of Interest Statement

If the research described in the abstract was supported by a commercial company, you must indicate the company's role in analyzing the data or preparing the abstract. One of the following must appear at the bottom of the abstract:

Important Note:

  • Submission of the abstract carries with it an obligation to present the accepted abstract in person without any change in scientific content during the allotted time in the above conference.
  • Withdrawal of presentation should be intimated to the scientific committee on or before March 12, 2025.
  • If the presenting author (mentioned while submitting the abstract) is not able to present the paper at the conference due to any reason, prior permission must be obtained from the Scientific Committee regarding the change in the presenting author.
  • Preference for oral or e-poster presentation may be indicated at the time of submission of abstract though the final decision of the scientific committee will be binding.
  • More than 1 abstract can be submitted by any individual Author.
Abstract Review Parameters:

Criteria Description
Significance of the topic Abstract has significant implications in the field of Molecular Pathology. New therapies, improving clinical practice, or enhancing patient care.
Clarity of objectives Abstract clearly states PICOTS.
Methodological rigor & Scientific quality Study conducted with a clear question, appropriate design, sample size, statistical power, blinding, results, and conclusions
Originality Abstract presents original research that advances knowledge in Molecular Pathology.
Relevance Abstract is relevant to conference theme and interests of attendees.

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